Combine Backbone and React.js

Get the best of both Backbone and React.js

Backbone is a small and simple framework for Single Page Application. But rendering views is hard, so let’s try to use React.js together, and let React.js to finish the hard work for us.

React.js Framework

JSX syntax

We can use coffeescript to make writting component easier directly in the coffeescript without compiling first

Object Definition and Intializaion

  1. to define a component: React.createClass
  2. use the component, and pass the props: React.renderComponent
  3. called automatically by React before a component is rendered: componentWillMount
  4. called before unmount component: componentWillUnmount

Reactive state

render() methods are written declaratively as functions of this.props and this.state. The framework guarantees the UI is always consistent with the inputs.

React.js will automatically update the view according to the state

  1. initialize the state: getInitialState
  2. update the state: this.setState()

React events

event handler should only returns false to avoid the default action


refs are defined in the JSX, and use getDOMNode() to get the native DOM element

text = this.refs.text.getDOMNode().value.trim()


Communication from React Component to Backbone

pass the callback as the React Component’s callback using props

Communication from Backbone to React Component

use Backbone Model’s event binding, like:

this.props.model.on 'change',=>
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