Hacking simplewebrtc.js to change the video resolution
Introduction webrtc and simplewebrtc.js
I am very exciting about WebRTC technology. It makes the browser can provide some peer to peer functionalities that can’t be thought before.
The only limitation now is that only a few mainframe browsers support WebRTC, and they use different API.
I think this is where simplewebrtc.js can help the WebRTC development easier. By using the unified interface, developer don’t have to handle the difference between browsers.
I hope this library will not be too complicated, as its name suggests. So that I can modify when I need, without having to read many code that I don’t use.
The SimpleWebRTC can’t customize the video resolution
The simplewebrtc doesn’t support changing constraints.
SimpleWebRTC.prototype.startLocalVideo = function () {
var self = this;
this.webrtc.startLocalMedia(null, function (err, stream) {
if (err) {
} else {
attachMediaStream(stream, self.getLocalVideoContainer(), {muted: true, mirror: true});
In order to pass in the constraints, I override this function(I write the app in coffeescript):
SimpleWebRTC.prototype.startLocalVideo = ->
self = this
this.config.constraints ||= {video: true, audio: true}
this.webrtc.startLocalMedia this.config.constraints, (err, stream)->
if err
{muted: true, mirror: true})
Then we can pass the constraints in the constructor:
webrtc = new SimpleWebRTC
localVideoEl: 'localVideo'
remoteVideosEl: 'remotes'
autoRequestMedia: true
debug: true
detectSpeakingEvents: true
autoAdjustMic: false
audio: true
maxWidth: 320
maxHeight: 180
The SimpleWebRTC github commit on Mar 23 fix this problem. this hack is not needed anymore.