Improve my reading speed

I heard about this today that can help to increase the reading speed

Today I have found this site spritz. It has some theory about how to improve the reading speed. I have read about some kind of this theory before. And have installed some iOS app for training speed reading that based the theory. But most of time I don’t have time to do the training separated. I have to most of content in browser.

A browser extension for spritz

There is a chrome extension that can display any selected text in the spritz window at a github repository.

After installing it, now I can try spritz when reading news, blogs or any material.

I am looking forward for the spritz to support more languages. They said more languages are coming.

Slow down the speed in the extension

The preset reading speed is too fast for me (500 WPM), I have to set a lower value in the public/javascripts/initialize.js of that extension:


Let’s see if I can increase it in future.

Add some control to pause and resume

In public/javascripts/initialize.js

document.getElementById('pause').addEventListener('click', function() {

document.getElementById('resume').addEventListener('click', function() {

function pauseText(text) {
function resumeText(text) {


Seems this bookmarklet is better:

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