No Backend Development
Backend As A Service
Recently I have used some Backend As A Service(BaaS) platform to make the development faster. How can it be faster than not doing. So for some very small demos, I tried firebase. It seems good. Only one thing is missing, it dont support to store an array. So everything must be an object.
Find an alternative solution
In order to achieve the following goal, I want to find another firebase like platform.
- Support array
- Can be privately hosted in own machines
- Can also hosted on some popular PaaS platform like heroku
- Open source project that we can dig into the code when we need
I found the deployd is good, and although there is some issues when I issue some commands in the console. But other things works well at the first glance.
Deploy on heroku
Heroku is so wonderful platform that we can verify some idea very quickly by deploy a demo without any budget.
Following is how to deploy deployd on heroku
setup a new heroku app
heroku apps:create myawesomedeployd
Next, add mongodb resource
heroku addons:add mongolab
Add heroku config files and the node.js script
# Procfile
web: node server
// package.json
"name": "app_name",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Super awesome app",
"keywords": [],
"homepage": "",
"author": "You!",
"contributors": [],
"dependencies": {
"deployd": ">= 0"
"scripts": {
"start": "node server"
"engines": {
"node": "0.8.x",
"npm": "1.2.x"
"license": "MIT"
// server.js
// require deployd
var deployd = require('deployd');
// configure database etc.
var server = deployd({
port: process.env.PORT || 5000,
env: 'production',
db: {
host: '',
port: 33559,
name: 'heroku_app',
credentials: {
username: 'heroku_app',
password: 'password'
// heroku requires these settings for sockets to work
server.sockets.manager.settings.transports = ["xhr-polling"];
// start the server
// debug
server.on('listening', function() {
console.log("Server is listening on port: " + process.env.PORT);
// Deployd requires this
server.on('error', function(err) {
process.nextTick(function() { // Give the server a chance to return an error
generate the keys for deployd
mkdir .dpd
touch .dpd/.gitemptydir
git add .dpd/.gitemptydir
dpd keygen
dpd showkey
create a resource directory to avoid node.js error
When running deployd, it could report:
deployd Error: ENOENT, readdir 'resources'
Just need to commit an empty directory to avoid this error
mkdir resources
touch resources/.gitemptydir
git add *
git reset node_modules
git commit -m 'add resources/\n'
Deploy to Heroku
Now just push to heroku
git push origin master
Then access from
Connect to mongolab to check the data:
mongo -u heroku_app2239 -p password_str --port 3355 --host heroku_app2239