create iOS app using Promotion
The Goal
Create an iOS app as quickly as we can.
Project Setup
Create a new app
promotion new membershipapp
run tests automatically
gem install when-files-change
when-files-change "clear && bundle exec rake spec"
write test cases
The Promotion TDD framework will instantiate @controller and add a test @app by tests method, we need to call the and want to use screen instead of controller:
describe HomeScreen do
tests HomeScreen
def controller
@controller ||=
alias :screen :controller
it "is a TableScreen" do
create a basic tab screen
The Tabs module is mixed into PM::Screen, to use it, just prepare all the screens, declaring their title and icon, then init screens then call open_tab_bar(*screens) in the main screen
Styling the screen using teacup
Don’t forget to set height and width attributes in the Teacup::Stylesheet, I forget to set it and get nothing to display in the screen.
Fix the UITableView Hiding Under Scroll Bar in iOS7
to fix this, just use the navigation controller together.