tips learn from confident ruby

The book confident ruby

After reading the book confident ruby, I watch the screen cast with that book and learned following tips

use eachwithobject instead of initialize an empty object before the each

topics_list = []
another_list.each do |i|
  topics_list << i

should turn into

result = another_list.each_with_object([]) do |i, topics_list|
  topics_list << i

don’t use collection.present? to check if collection exist and nonempty ,use Array()

skip the iteration at the top of the block

next unless topics[id]

accept user or user_id with confident

user_id = user
user_id = unless user.class == Fixnum

To reduce the duplication, refactor to: “`ruby

private def useridfor(userorid) case userorid when Integer then userorid else end end ”`

if define the private method, then use:

def self.user_id_for
private_class_method :user_id_for

return early(using guard) instead of using if at the top of the method

rescue at the top level of the method, to avoid the indent and begin block

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