review confident ruby

再读confident ruby(performing work部分)

再读confident ruby,记下以下要点。


  1. collecting input
  2. performing work
  3. delivering result
  4. handling failures

performing work的模式


sending a strong message

要发消息给trused object,需要3个条件

  1. 识别要完成工作所需要发送的消息
  2. 识别这些消息对应的roles
  3. 确保method能担任这些roles


  1. Parse the purchase records from the CSV contained in a provided IO object.
  2. For each purchase record, use the record’s email address to get the associated customer record, or, if the email hasn’t been seen before, create a new customer record in our system.
  3. Use the legacy record’s product ID to find or create a product record in our system.
  4. Add the product to the customer record’s list of purchases.
  5. Notify the customer of the new location where they can download their files and update their account info.
  6. Log the successful import of the purchase record.
  1. #parse_legacy_purchase_records.
  2. For #each purchase record, use the record’s #email_address to #get_customer.
  3. Use the record’s #product_id to #get_product.
  4. #add_purchased_product to the customer record.
  5. #notify_of_files_available for the purchased product.
  6. #log_successful_import of the product record.
Message Receiver Role
#parse_legacy_purchase_records legacy_data_parser
#each purchase_list
#email_address,#product_id purchase_record
#get_customer customer_list
#get_product product_inventory
#add_purchased_product customer
#notify_of_files_available customer
#log_successful_import data_importer

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