
David's Blog

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  • create iOS app using Promotion Mar 24

    The Goal

    Create an iOS app as quickly as we can.

    Project Setup

    Create a new app

    promotion new membershipapp

    run tests automatically

    gem install when-files-change
    when-files-change "clear && bundle exec rake spec"

    write test cases

    The Promotion...

  • tips learn from confident ruby Mar 24

    The book confident ruby

    After reading the book confident ruby, I watch the screen cast with that book and learned following tips

    use eachwithobject instead of initialize an empty object before the each

    topics_list = []
    another_list.each do |i|
  • Deploy R application to shinyapps.io Mar 18

    An R hosting Service

    Today I got an invitation for ShinyApps.io testing. This seems to be very useful because other PaaS like Heroku not allowing install R.


    Just follow the guide from https://github.com/rstudio/shinyapps/blob/master...

  • Try bluemix android SDK with jruby Mar 17

    Install the SDK

    Create the project

    ruboto gen app -t 14 --package org.ruboto.example.bluemix

    Download SDK

    The Web page javascript failed to download in Chrome browser, but open the console, and you can see the download link is: http://mbaas-catalog...

  • Run microsoft window virtual machine for free Mar 16

    My laptop run linux but still need windows

    Although I am not using windows in development and other daily job. I still need to be able to use windows some times. But I don’t want to pay for the windows. And I don’t want to use some cracked windows...

  • Record terminal session using asciinema Mar 14

    My IDE is based on the Terminal

    Install asciinema

    sudo pip install --upgrade asciinema


    Authenticate yourself

    In order to be able to delete or edit your terminal screencast, it require to login first. Use the below command and follow the...

  • Update time for raspberry pi Mar 13

    The date problem

    The raspberry pi doesn’t has a real time clock, so every time start the raspberry pi, we have to resest the time.

    manually set the time from ntp server

    sudo /etc/init.d/ntp stop
    sudo ntpdate 1.cn.pool.ntp.org

    Solution 2: set the...

  • Delegate in ruby Mar 12

    Serveral ways to delegate in Ruby

    There are serveral ways to delegate in Ruby:

    1. SimpleDelegator
    2. DelegateClass
    3. Delegator
    4. forwardable module


    A concrete implementation of Delegator, this class provides the means to delegate all supported...

  • Using R in web development Mar 11

    Statistic Tool: R

    I have been want to use R in my work for a long time. But seem it is not so easy to combine it into the normal work flow very easily.

    Now we have a web development using R and Bootstrap: Shiny

    Shiny seems would be very useful for...

  • No Backend Development Mar 9

    Backend As A Service

    Recently I have used some Backend As A Service(BaaS) platform to make the development faster. How can it be faster than not doing. So for some very small demos, I tried firebase. It seems good. Only one thing is missing, it dont...